Issue: Eko Trust is a family of good and outstanding schools passionate about nurturing, growing and developing people so that the children and families that they serve have the best opportunities to thrive. The trust wanted to target two new schools to add to the collective, and needed to rebrand them appropriately. They also wanted help to communicate with stakeholders and member schools.
Solution: We worked with Eko Trust initially on stakeholder relations to ensure a smooth transition of the two target schools from their prior trust to the Eko Trust family. This required tailored correspondence for the Department for Education, staff, parents, local community and the local authority to address concerns, communicate new programmes and benefits and encourage a more positive engagement with these audiences. Following the successful engagement with stakeholders and audiences, we progressed to developing stronger brand and marketing collateral which included logo/redesign services and school recruitment promotional pieces. The aims of these marketing products were to reinforce the Trust’s expertise in leadership and school improvement as well as to attract SEMH staff members to the schools.
Result: Through our integrated communications plan along with 24-hour crisis and reputation management assistance we were able to successfully onboard two new schools and effectively host a communications workshop to all the Trust’s headteachers. This helped the schools to understand the value of communication across the Trust especially with the growth of the Trust as well as showcasing how important good communications are in underpinning effective leadership.

Get in touch to see how we can help you to identify, understand and communicate the difference you can make